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Are you going to be rocking 2016 too?

2016 road

How have YOU recovered from the Christmas holidays? It was our first big one and I managed to enjoy a month off work (well paid work anyway). It seemed to be just what I needed because I came back feeling super refreshed and very focused on setting and achieving some goals in 2016. I am feeling incredibly positive and excited about the year and thought I might share a few strategies that have contributed to me being in this space in case you find them useful too …

What makes you feel good? I got back in touch with some of the things I love over the holidays – comedy, music and connection which I found at the Woodford Folk Festival. I laughed heaps and enjoyed sharing the experience with some very positive people – putting me in an awesome frame of mind. If anyone else loves a bit of comedy I have recently heard about the Cardigan Bar at Sandgate where there a free comedy on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (thanks Shelley – August 2015 workshop!)

Mind too crazy to meditate? I started this for just 20 minutes a day and cannot believe how clear and focused my mind has been and the huge increase in my ideas since. Last year when I interviewed Suzie Aron on Triple YYY we talked about meditation (on or off the air) and she told me one of her mentors had suggested sticking with it even when we experience ‘monkey mind’ (which was always my problem) because it is about ‘the practice’. It was true, after a couple of weeks my mind settled right down – the thoughts didn’t go away but those monkeys weren’t going bananas either. I have been using the ‘Simply Being’ app which allows me to adjust the time and control the music if needed but there’s also lots of others around.

Have you set any goals for this year? Planning some business and personal goals for 2016 has left me feeling so focused and efficient with my time. I am now about to think about what I’m doing and how this relates to what I want to achieve this year. Some of my key goals include delivering four CareerSmart Mums workshops (the dates have all been set), creating an online version of the workshop, and writing a workbook so that mums can access support irrespective of their budget. I’m also going to offer some networking events and travel overseas!

It seems to me like there’s a really positive vibe around 2016 – I hope that it is a fantastic year for you and everyone around you! If you know anyone who might benefit from CareerSmart Mums there is a workshop starting on 29 February 2016 at Everton Park.

Supporting parents gives a laugh

This morning I finally met up with Leigh, the Director of School Hours Pty Ltd. I have been communicating with Leigh by email for some time now because I regularly promote School Hours as a flexible work resource in CareerSmart Mums workshops and wanted to know more about the site.  When I arrived at the designated coffee shop, I noticed a male sitting at an outside table and also that there were very few other patrons.  I approached the counter staff and asked whether “L-e-i-g-h” was a male or female name in their experience.  As we wondered and chuckled, the seated male rose and walked into the coffee shop, clearing up the answer to the question. Turns out that my assumption that I was communicating with a mum all this time was totally wrong!

The element of surprise didn’t stop there.  It was awesome to hear the School Hours story and to recognise our shared passion for supporting return to work and working parents.  Leigh offered me some wonderful ideas and tips and I’m super excited about future possibilities in our respective quests to support parents.

A chat to another career mum

Last Sunday (yeah Sunday …) saw me chatting to an inspiring lady, Sarah, who has set up a brilliant website to support return to work mums.  I had heard about the site a while ago and finally reached out to find out more – great decision I’d say! So lovely to connect to other women keen to support parents.

Sarah set up Career Mums after searching unsuccessfully for resources to support her own return to work.  The site contains valuable ideas, suggestions and resources to support return to work and working mums. I particularly love this  Career Mums view:

There is no ‘right way’ to balance a career with being a mum, the ‘right way’ is your way.

If you are thinking about transitioning back to work check out Career Mums today.